Data Protection Policy 

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Vale Training Services is required by law to comply with the data protection act 1998 (the1998 ACT), as well as from 25th May 2018 the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) and to register with the office for the Information Commissioner. The companies registration number is Z2789315. Vale Training Services is committed to ensuring that every current employee and registered client complies with the act regarding the confidentiality on any personal data held in what ever medium. Vale Training Services are Both a Data Controller and Processor.

Customers have the following right:

  1. The right to be informed
  2. The right to access
  3. The right to rectification
  4. The right to erase
  5. The right to restrict processing
  6. The right to data portability
  7. The right to object
  8. Rights in relation to automated decision making and profiling

When giving information please be a wear of the following:

  1. The data Processor will in the first instance be Vale Training Services, its staff and representatives.
  2. The purpose of data collection will be use in the lawful processes involved in certification of accredited training courses or for direct contact with the client. Information may also be used for public health matters. 
  3. Data will be  collected for the legitimate collection of data for certification, accreditation or information relating to training courses attended or to be attended.
  4. Data collected will only be passed to accredited certificating bodies.
  5. Data will only be passed to third parties outside the UK where required by appropriate bodies, i.e. EU funded courses.
  6. Data will only be retained for the period required by the certificating bodies. This will vary form 6 years to 25 years depending on the criteria required
  7. Individuals have the right to access their data as per the above statements.
  8. Individuals have the right to withdraw consent to hold data.
  9. Individuals have the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority - in the UK this is the Information Commissioners office (ICO)
  10. Some data held by Vale Training Services will be part of contracture requirements or obligations of accredited certificating bodies.
  11. Any automated decision making processes such as exam results, are undertaken by the approved and accredited certificating bodies.

As soon as we are contacted by our clients we create a record of their name. We then add information that we collect, including information that they give us at registration and reservation. We hold general information about clients, such as their mane, address, telephone number, e mail address, holding number and date of birth.  Information on courses taken and outcomes is also recorded. Some date specific to training and exams is destroyed soon after the event. Results are retained. 

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Vale Training Services will send some information held on clients to outside organisations such as the Learning and Skills council, Sector skills council, DEFRA, Public Health England and regional development agency.  Under the data protection act the individual has a right to a copy of the information these bodies hold, but it is the individual’s responsibility to apply for this.

Information of individual’s information about course results and assessment s will be retained by Vale Training Services, and shared with the appropriate bodies and its interested parties. 

Information about an individuals health or learning difficulties will be shared with the appropriate trainer, and examining body.  This information may also be used for statistical purposes, although individual information will not be released. 

We are committed to the data protection principals of good practice in the handling of information. All personal information is held in secure and manual files and we will only transfer data internally on a “need to know basis” for support of academic and research purposes.

Retention of Data.

Vale Training Services will keep some forms of data longer than others, as mentioned above. It will however be necessary to retain some information indefinably as this is a best practice requirement. The benefit to the client being long term access to information regarding qualifications. Where clients attended EU funded training their information will be kept for 25 year after the end date of the project 

Data Controller. The Data will be controlled by Vale Training Services, at its head quarter offices. 

Revised July 2020